E-Commerce - Billing - Blogging & more

not just online shopping carts

What is e-Commerce?

Most people understand e-commerce to be selling products on-line however we believe it to be more than that. Any form of on-line business including Business to Business (B2B) or business to end-user (the public) transactions such as selling products, managing content, billing, time management, project management would be what we would refer to as e-Commerce.

Shopping cart(s):
Not all shopping cart systems are the same, there are simple systems where you sell items without automatic stock control, no integration other than maybe to a payment solution such as PayPal, this is fine if you only have a few items & you don't need to keep records of what you sold & to whom. More sophisticated systems might include active stock allowing you to set your 'opening' stock level which gets debited each time a customers makes a purchase, important for event tickets or items where you are unable to replenish stocks. If you opt for payments by PayPal exclusively (and why not?) you can also keep a record of your customers & their purchases allowing you to send shipment notifications or reminders. We can also build in a discounting system either for fixed amounts or a percentage with offer expiry date, minimum spend, use code once (or unlimited) etc. Maybe you need multiple shipping rates or weight based shipping? Pretty much anything is possible, just ask.

Want to send your customers invoices for services, items or your time? We offer a range of solutions, you might want to produce quotes which can be converted to pro-forma invoices, or actual invoices. Maybe you offer some of your customers payment terms and you want to set a credit limit or automatically send reminders of amount due, no matter how you work we can build you a solution to work the way you want or need it to work.

Other on-line systems:
Blog systems where you can have one way or both way (you and your audience) content (with or without comments), Moderation,Authorise administrators, approve comments before posting or anything else you might need.

Project management, location based dynamic content, maps and more..

We are here to help: 07400 499 445